Del Bel, Scattered Clouds and Year of Glad @ Mugshots [April 4, 2015]

Third show for this Easter weekend.
Went to Mugshots on Saturday night for Fryquency which is an all ages pay-what-you-can event series to exhibit emerging and experimental Canadian music held monthly at the jail bar.
This month was Del Bel, Scattered Clouds and Year of Glad.

Del Bel @ Mugshots
Toronto’s Del Bel was the final band to play. They were promoting their self-titled record. Performed an amazing experimental orchestral dark pop rock set. Seeing a band that size play on that small stage is quite a feat. Really loved their set despite being somewhat short. Sadly they did no cover.

Scattered Clouds @ Mugshots
Scattered Clouds was the second band to play. I was very surprised to see Mike of the Hilotrons filling in. This time they went back to the dark experimental rock music than the atmospheric lo-fi sound. At least the drummer returned. Definitely an amazing set! Can’t wait for the the full-length album in a few weeks.

Year of Glad @ Mugshots
The show started out with Montreal’s Year of Glad. I was most excited to see this act since it was my first time. I was very surprised that Nick of Saxsyndrums was in this band. Their set just blew my ears away. It was like listening to vintage Sigur Ros with the fasletto screaming and epic atmospheric dream-like post pop music. It was quite a set and really enjoyed it!

Click below for more photos.

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