Ottawa Bluesfest 2011: Day 10 (Part II)

Crowds for Mac Miller
I hope everyone is safe and sound from what happened on the last day of and thank the crew and volunteer of Cisco Ottawa Bluesfest 2011 with the handling of this event.
Here is part two from Day 10 (July 15th).
There were two acts that I saw that was on the hip-hop rap side and the other had a summery feel to his music.
The acts were:

I finally got to see Classified live.
He played on the Claridge stage.
Wasn’t aware he would have a big draw!
He totally amazed everyone with his hip-hop/rap music “East coast style?”.

Caught a song from Danny Michel y Los Hombres Malos at the National Bank stage.
Had more of a summery sound.
I didn’t know it was the Danny Michel.
He is such a versatile musician/singer-songwriter.

Lastly headed up the Subway stage to see Mac Miller.
Man it was insane there.
Alot of the teens (mostly girls) were totally excited and some have been waiting there since the gates opened.
Mac Miller is a rapper from Pittsburgh.
At least he got the crowds going but from what I experienced, alot of them were on something or totally drunk.
It was very chaotic and was there for two songs.

So that ended my last Friday of Bluesfest.
Here are the rest of the photos.

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