It was a scorching hot day on July 17, 2011 for the last day of Cisco Ottawa Bluesfest 2011.
Of course the last day will be remembered by the freakish weather.
Let’s not focus on that.
Before that there was some good acts that played during the day that I got to see.
They were
Who knew the last day for Bluesfest was one hot day.
It was so hot I really need to go inside the War Museum to cool off.
Checked out Ottawa’s Ben Cooper Band at the Hard Rock stage.
Very rock bluesy set.
At the Subway stage, it was the Brothers Dube.
Before they started, the father of the band came out and announced on how much money the band made during the whole 12 days outside of the festival.
It was very nice of them to that.
These brothers are really talented.
Somehow I think Hanson pops up in my head but more of a bluesy rock style.
Philly Moves is a Ottawa hip-hop act and they played after the Brothers Dube at the Subway stage.
They were interesting to see live.
Like how one of the lead singers was wearing a Metric t-shirt.
I wasn’t aware that Court Yard Hounds was playing in this festival.
If you don’t know, it’s the two sisters from Dixie Chicks.
Thanks to Brian who told me that they were on the MBNA stage.
They great live but I am guessing there are some people feeling they miss the Dixie Chicks.
Lastly before the big freak storm happened.
Lupe Fiasco who played at the Claridge stage.
He simply put on an amazing set filled with rocking hip-hop.
It was so good that he saw the kettlecorn/popcorn bags on a stick and bought the rest of them.
Which he mostly threw into the crowds.
I guess “Hip-Hop Did Save My Life” when he sang that song and just blew my mind away.
I can’t believe I missed out Daydreamin’ which he ended off his set since I was at another stage.
All in all this besides the freakish weather we had that bought down the MBNA stage and overshadowing everything.
It was a great day despite the really hot weather.
This closes off this year’s Bluesfest.
We have to thank the security, paramedics, and volunteers that help get everyone into safety and that there wasn’t any casualties.
Here are the rest of the photos.
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