The beginning of June 17, 2011 I decided to hit up Global Village Backpackers for Kelp Records and The Line of Best Fit‘s NXNE BBQ.
Part of the East Meats West BBQ.
I was there for the free food of course.
But I wanted to check out The Elwins who were playing.
I got there when Pink Moth was playing.
It was a nice mellow pop set.
The Elwins were amazingly good live.
I was surprised to see Nathan who used to be play with Ruby Coast is in that band now.
Guess who I happened to see at the BBQ?
Holly and Allison who plays with Basia Bulat.
Sadly Basia wasn’t in Toronto because she is in Poland on tour with Arcade Fire!!!
I didn’t get to stay long and sort of kicking myself now.
Why? Kite Hill played at the end and I was told that Mika and Anissa were playing that set.
At least from what I heard, the Kelp BBQ was a success.
Hope they do it again next year at NXNE.
Here are the photos.
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