Ottawa’s Three Little Birds is a all female trio band.
The members are:
- Erin Saoirse Adair
- Amelia Leclair
- Angela Schleihauf
I was at OCFF on October 15th, I was approach by them and I unfortunately didn’t get to see their showcase the night after.
They gave me their three track EP and I couldn’t say no to that.
Their music is a blend of acoustic folk-pop.
On their Facebook page they called it “Radical folk” when you listen to “Outside In” and “This Fire This Time”.
While “Oil and Water” has this reggae/sunshine vibe to it.
When I hear “Outside In” it reminds me of Kyrie Kristmanson‘s song Eruption being all fast pace and catchy.
In the song “This Fire This Time” it seems to have a political stance on today’s event.
Overall I am surprised with their musical talent and songwriting.
For those in the folk scene, you should definitely need to see them live.
Listen to:
- Outside In
- This Fire This Time
- Oil and Water
Being an EP, I would rate it 8/10.