Roberta Bondar – Caustic [Review]

It’s been almost a year since Roberta Bondar (Ottawa band) released anything new.
Come July 23rd they will drop EP #3 called Caustic and with that a mini East coast tour.
Caustic contains six tracks of noisy experimental rock music.

  1. Children
  2. Creature Cave
  3. Palm Bay
  4. STD
  5. Caustic
  6. Wet Eyes

I am actually enjoyed this EP, if you are ok with the epic long tracks of Children, Palm Bay, Caustic and Wet Eyes.
What is cool is that they recorded it at St. Alban’s Church.
You will notice when you listen to Palm Bay at the end of the song with the organs.
While a full-length is uncertain, Caustic will keep fans longing for something new at the moment.
Best tracks: Children Creature Cave, Palm Bay and Caustic.
I’d give Caustic 9/10.

NOTE: Palm Bay has been added to Photogmusic LIVE’s TOP 5 Songs of the Week.
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