The Flamingos Pink – Outtacontroller [Streaming]

Today, Montreal rock & roll duo The Flamingos Pink dropped their sophomore album Outtacontroller via Label Étiquette.
Eleven tracks that clock under 3 minutes is fun good punk rocking fun.

About the album:
Outtacontroller was constructed during the quarantined Spring of 2020. Starting in April, Gubany and Corrado exchanged around 30 voice memos of song ideas and anything else musically that came to mind.
Gubany played guitar every day for two months straight, exploring the sounds that would eventually come to be part of the 11 tracks on Outtacontroller.

In May, the pair met up in an industrial warehouse and wrote the whole album. When June came around, they were ready to record the entire album and headed to the studio for two days to lay down all 11 tracks. Outtacontroller pushed Gubany and Corrado, and highlights just how much they are able to accomplish together.

Outtacontroller gets:

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