Who’s Matters? Listen to Get In Or Get Out

This will be the final post on mentioning the name “The D’Urbervilles”.
The big news that came out but somehow went under the radar on March 28th.
The name change of the D’Urbervilles to Matters.
Get In Or Get Out Cover Art

There was a countdown last week and some people were speculating that the band was going to break up with a final album.
Mostly due with John’s other and successful project as Diamond Ring
It was a sigh of relief for the big D’Urbervilles fans.
Don’t know the reason for the name change.
But I like the new name and it is not as hard to pronounce it.
They have released a new song called Get In Or Get Out which you can order the 7″ on this site.
I really love the new song, still the same catchy indie rock sound with heavy synth keyboards and what I think sounds like John rapping.
My only question is for the new songs they have played live, if they will be on Matters upcoming album?
One song in question is Junk Pile.
Check out the video for Get In Or Get Out.

Can’t wait for the album.
Don’t forget to see them on April 6th in Ottawa with PS I Love You. [Facebook event]
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