Night One of The Wooden Sky’s Holiday Show w/ Evening Hymns & Jon Hynes @ NAC Fourth Stage

The Wooden Sky @ NAC Fourth Stage
Went to the first of two nights of The Wooden Sky‘s Holiday Show at the NAC Fourth Stage.
This was the first time the band has done the holiday show outside of Toronto and Ottawa got a chance first hand.
Dubbed as a the holiday, the band didn’t really perform any Christmas/holidays.
This was more of a revue show for them to perform materials from their first three album plus the current album.
The special guests for the Ottawa show were Jon Hynes and Evening Hymns.

The Wooden Sky @ NAC Fourth Stage
The Wooden Sky performed a wonderful show. Filled with materials from their first three albums. It was so great that I almost cried probably due to the gin & tonic I had drank. There was a couple of songs they performed acoustically without the PAs. One being Angelina and I forgot the others were. You had to be at the show to experience it.

Jon Hynes @ NAC Fourth Stage
Jon Hynes performed a couple of songs. They were One More, California (if that is right?) and Opinion Piece, both from the album Watchful Creatures.

Evening Hymns @ NAC Fourth Stage
Evening Hymns performed a couple of tracks also. Mostly from Spectral Dusk and the songs were You and Jakes (which moved me to tears) and Cabin In The Burn. Would have wanted to hear more of his music but it was still awesome

Overall this tops my favorite show from the band (Second being The Horseshoe Tavern back in 2013 and third being at the Blacksheep Inn on November 27, 2009.).
I didn’t have to deal with drunken ya-hoos or stand in a crowded room, it was more of a sit down and be intimated kind of a show.
Proceeds from the ticket sales went to Carty House, which is a communal residence in Ottawa that provides transitional housing for female refugee claimants.
So come out and see the second night of the show.
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