This past weekend I headed up to Toronto (No I haven’t become a Torontoian) for Wavelength Music Festival. It was their 15 Anniversary and I was very curious to check …
After leaving Saturday’s TURF. I went up to Sneaky Dee’s for this show. Sadly I missed out The Dirty Nil who was nice enough to get me into the show. …
After a great performance by The Luyas at Sneaky Dee’s for M For Montreal‘s NXNE showcase. There was the secret guest at 2am which was… Majical Cloudz With all the buzz the act …
The Luyas & Julian Lynch @ Sneaky Dee’s [NXNE 2013]
Started off CMW for Friday night (March 22nd). Went to Sneaky Dee’s for M For Montreal‘s showcase. I only went to get the free poutine which started at 8pm. Told from …
NXNE 2012: Yamantaka // Sonic Titan @ Sneaky Dee’s [June 16, 2012]
After spending most of the night at the Garrison. I decided to head down as quickly to Sneaky Dee’s for the secret guest at 2am. I swear Toronto needs to …
After the fun insanity of Rich Aucoin at the Garrison. Happen to skip out the “secret guest” which happened to be The Luyas. I took the taxi to Sneaky Dee’s …
NXNE 2010: [Part 3]
Here is part 3 of who I or you should check out at NXNE in Toronto. So this will be Friday night’s event. Since last year at NXNE, my Friday …